Friday, December 24, 2010

Milena Velba With A Friend

is a holiday calendar and falls on the first day of ' winter, a lot more 'known as the night of the Winter Solstice.

This period, characterized by the festivals dedicated to the sun god, was already celebrated by the ancient Egyptians and in ancient Rome, the Saturnalia, festivals these celebrations, which saw the introduction of candles, singing and carousing.
The celebration of the winter solstice and spread rapidly throughout Europe and was born in rural Yule, linked to the celebration of the sun and the earth mother who is prepared, heated by the first rays, for future sowing. Among the various issues related to the Yule is the main battle between the old King dell'Agrifoglio, symbol of darkness and old age, the young King and the Oak Tree which symbolizes the light of the new year. The old king was symbolically killed and the young king takes his place on the throne to rule.

By Rite Yule Log is perpetuated every year, in addition to the tradition of all huddle around the fire, and repeated this ancient battle.

From this and from the practices that follow, it is easy to reach the conclusion and understanding of why the Christian church had chosen this time to celebrate the birth of Christ (born in spring after the fact) and why he had done his also being included most of these celebrations in his celebrations.
Too strong was the Feast of the winter solstice, too felt the festivities and the traditions linked to the rebirth of the sun god and the awakening of land by the people, not to overlap with the hope to eradicate from the minds of people.
Christ is still associated with the Sun c
ome symbol of life-giving light and then both holidays
TY can safely merge with each other without conflict he who knows White Magic knows.
The celebration of the Solstice and then continue to exist throughout the Christmas period (Sol Invictis), with whom, as we said, are the same, and this is the night that many witches handed down by tradition the secrets of Art. The Winter Solstice is the transition from darkness to light, it is from this day that the sun is progressively longer in the sky thus lengthening our days. This is a festival of light, the profound messages related to the initiation and esoteric inner awakening.

by magic and mystery

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Digital Thermostats For Converting Smokers

There are places surrounded by a halo of mysterious magic, invisible to the normal human eye ... hidden among the clear waters of sources and sources, or from strong winds and thin rummage through the leaves of the woods ... hidden or masked with the horizon beneath our feet ... among the branches of a majestic ...
tree, or between the crystal clear water of a small mountain waterfall ... spaces where the invisible things suddenly are revealed, where time is infinitely possible, where there is no limit to the wonder and amazement.
Universes that exist beyond our normal senses, beyond all ... are places of enchantment and inspiration, the fantasy worlds where they still live gnomes, elves and fairies ... parallel worlds without a name, simply called Middle World. The fairy realms
hardly appear, but most are a few who have the privilege of seeing the beings who animate them.
from the garden fairy

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

When Does Anybody Actually Wear A Catsuit

Elves are the longest race of the known world. Often live longer than older trees and leaving the lands known to the men before the age of six hundredth year of age. There are known cases of elves remained up to 750 years, but few were detained. The call of the unknown attracts them and they leave the world in the hands of their worthy successors. elves live so much to help change the world and continues to see reduced to powder the things that people believe eternal. A generation of elves can see the rise and fall of powerful empires in human birth and death of a forest, gradual erosion of a mountain. During their mortal life the world can significantly change appearance. This gives the elves a scale of values \u200b\u200btotally different from that of men.

The elves are not subject to aging natural once they reach adulthood, their appearance does not change more or is only slowly altered. There is very little difference between an elf and one of four hundred years, the only way to be aware of their aging is noticing the different degrees of exuberance, spontaneity and enthusiasm. Only after reaching the ripe old age really Elves begin to show signs of old age, but always seem younger than any adult human.

When an elf is old, difficult to undertake in difficult enterprises and prefers to think twice before doing so. Young people, however, do not know what patience and are constantly moving because they want to live intensely, without realizing that it will ever available. elves go through various stages of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middle age, old and venerable age. When I'm tired of the world, which usually takes place after the six hundred years, go to a place called Arvanaith.

elves are children up to about 45 or 75 years, according to their sub-race .

During this period they grow slowly, reaching up to 120 cm tall, and learn what it means to be an elf. They learn the basics in the use of the bow and sword, but remain "Children" to teenagers.


On average, when it reaches 75 years, the elf enters adolescence. The sex makes no difference: both the maturity comes at about the same period. At this stage, the elf began to grow, until a height of 132.5 cm or more (usually stops at 1.50 cm) and a weight of about 36-38 Kg

At the end of adolescence is to enter straight into adult society and become responsible for their actions. During this time the elves largest teach how to keep the little ones the joy of living in future years, without succumbing to the numbing boredom that often results in maturity.

elves who are not prepared to have the prospect ahead of time may not be able to handle the weight of all those years. In fact, these elves (not to mention other things, if they were just as long), seeing himself forced to live as long, probably would come to tragic conclusions. The most common example is that of an elf raised among men, that does not let the years slip away, like elves, but try to live as intensely as possible, as was taught to do men. These elves will never learn the true value of rest and of joy and often end up with crazy or commit suicide.


hen reach 110 years, the elves are considered adults in every way.

They are free to make their own choices and to assume its role and place in society human or elf. Is ripe to take responsibility for their actions, good or bad. They can enjoy life, because they are grown up but are still very young. At this stage, usually, the elf began to build the first adventures. Freed from the obligations and duties that the minors involved and free to act according to their will, sometimes prefer to leave for a bit 'by his people to satisfy their curiosity, going beyond the known.
Only a small part of adults are dedicated to adventure: most of the elves, although it is curious to see what's in the world, is satisfied with the joy and beauty that can be found at home. Who goes, armed with bow and sword, is often driven by specific requirements, is not banished by his teammates because of his desire for adventure, but sometimes others are just sad about the fact of being.


When it reaches the 175 years, the elf calm his youthful enthusiasm but gets sick more easily. Now he understood how the world and has strengthened the bond with nature, and this knowledge helps him to use his powers, never abuse it. At this age, many retire in quiet place, away from the dangers of the adventures he had spent more than 60 years of his life to chase fame and treasure enough. Clerics are established in those communities, wizards and sorcerers continue their research, train young warriors and thieves base their corporations. There are
some elves who never stop and continue their adventures for a lifetime, until they are captured or killed. Often these are individuals who need to make some epic quest or who are driven by an inner instinct. These elves are spoken of in legend, not ever retire from their duties and always act as if they were forced by a relentless moral duty, never give vent to their desires. Individuals are valued and praised by all, even our enemies have for their extraordinary respect. They have created fame and glory over the centuries. Even if they were not endowed with great ability, their reputation would be enough to discourage most of the opponents.

The "old age" begins at the 250 years, although not showing signs of aging, the elf feels weight of years and slow down their activities, preferring to sit quieter. Instead of running around in the forest as he did as a young man, he is lying in the sun, to compose songs and poems. It is inserted into the rhythm of the world and has adapted to its natural cycles. Few elves still live adventures: the body and mind need a quiet and contemplative life. Yet, in the physical are the same as they were a hundred years before and their skills have not lost enamel. I'm just a bit 'quieter.

Age venerable

A 350 years old and over the elf begins to show signs of the passage of time, wrinkles begin to furrow the face and his health becomes more frail, but his wisdom and his culture are broader than ever.
    can still do physical activities, but certainly not the same. No one expected to do so, for that matter: it has the right to be considered old and the others bow down to his wisdom and his experience. Unlike the men, elves are very old do not lose viability, but only strength. Their willpower becomes incredibly strict, if necessary, they can also impose to make great companies. As a rule, prefer the quiet life, and stayed to play, sing and listen to others who do. There are no elves senile by nature.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Free Club Nintendo Coins

Los Mundos de Fingerman

Who would have thought that with three fingers and full of imagination you could build the character of Fingerman?

The creator of this cute character is the company's Peruvian Ines Pasic Gaïa Theatre which also includes his co-Velarde Gabriela Bermudez.

Fingerman is simply the result of setting up three fingers of the left hand of the artist with a small white little head, initially with a movable piece of wood, then firmer. The actress uses a glove black covering the little finger and left ring fingers instead discovered the other three fingers to enhance the character the actress is dressed in black with the exception of the head that is visible to the public.

But it combines this creature in sesanta minute show? We can say that is a lot agitatello because it's always in motion up and down the dunes of the desert plunges into the sea, these places are nothing more than the body of the second girl that uses a blue jumpsuit for the sea and a brownish the desert.

Fingerman But is not the only character on stage: it is the love and gives us a nice dance on skates, a charming and sensual dance tango and we relive the famous scene of the "forbidden fruit" of Adam and Eve. We also find a friend who follows the blade in his adventures.

improssionante is the way these little characters seem alive and real.
However we do not have a real story with a beginning and an end in this show, but more of the skits.

For the duration of the show however I got carried away by this character that moved in all its lightness and simplicity, all framed music by completing the first "magic" of this show for everyone, young and old. :-)

Laura Lucini

Congratulation, Giving Birth

"The Last Supper", Markus Zohner

"I'm choking and vomiting from sange I've been drinking. I drank his blood, Mum!

The more I cut two pieces and I drank her sange, Mom! Your milk is now mixed with blood "

What color combined with the word" war "? Many probably respond derebbero-red (relative to blood).

This image of "blood" it immediately presents the viewer that takes a seat and that is not the most inviting. Now we encounter a billboard with the "Bread, Salt and Heart" and below it, on a table are just the elmenti: a loaf of bread, a pile of salt and even a real heart (that of a cow).

around, hanging with the butchers' hooks, other parts of the body of the cow: its base, the liver, tail and even the head.

Zohner This show follows the direction of which is represented by seven players in Kosovo, or rather you watch an actor who has been repatriated to Kosovo because they stopped at customs in Switzerland because his name was the same as a wanted man.

actors tell different stories in their own language experiences and events experienced during the Kosovo war (1996 - 1999).
Some of these stories are "real," while others are pure fantasy: tales of children killed, women raped, the daughter saw her mother die, etc. ...

available to the public did not understand the language were in three different areas of the room for subtitles in Italian projected on the walls.
It is clear, however, noted that while the actors read the subtitles to what is an awkward addition to preventing the expressiveness of the actors.
Thus, although the actors were good in my opinion, because convincing and focused on their roles,
having to continually read the subtitles (which sometimes were not always coordinated with monologues in - parts of the actors) was disturbing.

pity also that, since the play performed on stage, but done on a raised platform, sometimes you had the actors from behind.

The show was also made up some pretty violent choreographed dance between two men and a man and a woman where the woman was grabbed by man and where they both appear in the throes of a battle in which you dodge each other.

The show ends with a scene that struck me very personally. One of the actors pick up the bowl containing the blood that was in front of him leaning on a wooden stand, pouring drinks a lot on his bare chest and pants. At

fine artists and the director are available to the public with a girl who acts as a translator, even if the photographer himself (a friend of artists) enters the discourse.
Asked by a spectator who asked whether Kosovo has forgiven (the Serbs), the actors say: Yes, although perhaps for women raped is different; answer is an actress.
These have yet to forgive but probably will over time, although it is difficult to forget.

Personally I found the show a little 'raw. The languages \u200b\u200bthen, unfortunately, has not sent the true value and the important message about the meaning of war.

Laura Lucini

Invitations For Guests To Pay For Meals

Shiro Daimon - Shiki (La Neige)

Shiro Daimon, Japanese dancer, makes its entry onto the scene with a long white dress with the idiogrammi written in red representing the blood stains, also wearing a white mask from his face expressionless and neutral.

In his slow and long walk he issued following the vocals, typically Japanese, supplemented by the sound of the bell in his hand shaking.

Right from the start so we can realize that we are witnessing the spectacle which is characterized by a kind of melancholy - nostalgia "and slow.

In this ceremony, in addition to the musical moment, Shiro also gives us images of interesting and thoughtful, thanks to his dance moves and his expression intense.

manages to make very realistic part of the ceremony where the theme is death and during the show also takes on different roles, each accompanied by movements and special costumes, like the priest from the bloody robe, the transformation into a woman and a character that seems taken from a video clip of the metal band "Tool" in which the dancer is completely enveloped in a kind of white tights, where through the use a tube blows a red balloon that recalls the pulse of the heart.

The only scenery is represented by a wooden stand on which a head will be resting with his eyes closed he representative of the deceased, and which follows a ritual dance during which he seems Shiro moved.

I would like to understand the meaning of vocalizations by Japanese sounds mysterious and melodic.

This show anyway, although not belonging to our European culture, introduces us to the world of No and Kabuki theater and Japanese ritrmi the world with its refined image.

... Having him in Lugano I was a great honor and an 'opportunity for intercultural exchange.

Laura Lucini

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monster Energy Sale For Drink


LARVA 108 - Il sole che muore 2010.
( Music for the Winter Solstice from: from "Songs for the birth of the future" (Songs for the Christmas Future) vol.2 VVAA - mechanical brain records )

LARVA 108 - live @ Zelle Arte (Palermo) 2010.
( opening show with Giampiero Riggio for Witch House & Okkvlt art)

LARVA 108 - Live @ Le Chat Noir (Tortona) 2009.
(mechanical brain night - Larva 108, Pira666, Spot)

LARVA 108 - Larva 56 clips.

LARVA 108 - Larva 13 clips.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Do I Build My Own Prom Dress

To reach Douglas, capital of the Isle of Man, you must cross a bridge that is suspended over a ravine covered with bushes. Everyone knows that there fairies living there which is customarily paid gestures of greeting and cute little gifts.

is said about that the funny story about a man who refused to pay attention the ethereal ladies of the cliff, stood with his car dozens of times on that very bridge until courtesy and common sense managed to prevail sull'ostinazione.

There are even cameras on witnesses' existence of these graceful creatures in books by writers of the stature of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, where he highlights a transparent appearance but, overall, suggest that the concreteness physicality.

Their clothes are often close to life pearly gleam of light, their shape is very attractive while the height may exceed one meter. When you are in a particular state of happiness spark the aura of delicate colors and radiant, so as to blend with the glimmer of her dress.

It is said that intrepid avvicinatisi too many of these radiant beauties have been captured forever from this world without ever being able to more to return home.
Call this condition luck or bad luck
is arduous and difficult, but should now be sufficiently clear that all knowledge requires the the
his unfailing pledge.

How Much Does A Golds Gym Owner Make

I write about "The Servente"

Entertainment in the competition, I think it certainly became the topic of interest to young people of the jury FIT! The protagonists are two girls posed with many complications and considerable skill. On stage there were mountains, streams and ravines, and two very different girls, but with some of the same desires: the desire to feel free and to love.

Free from war and love who is at war.

background of this affair are the valleys of Piedmont. The dialect spoken by the protagonists is Piedmont. The reality is that described the Great War that devastated the small Piedmont together with the entire world. Two girls Piedmont tell the drama of that period and their personal history. They learn to tell dancing at dawn, escaping from a reality that does not offer them that opportunity and not allow them to be worth something in a world so distraught. So comparisons between addolescenziali, opposing thoughts and fears, they create a strong agreement between the protagonists of the mountain that will be their refuge, away from the prejudices and false hopes. With the delicacy of the gesture to melt the hair, give birth to a strong friendship that will strengthen these two girls and make them "servants" only in respect of their lives.

Mens Monster Energy Earring

My thoughts ....

I find the International Theatre Festival is an occasion. The classic train passing and that we must absolutely take! It is comparable to a trip in earnest. This year took us to Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Peru and even Japan!
offers many possibilities and is an event that adds a lot. Both shows that the team give emotions: surprise and fun, all the time.
be taken seriously, because this is a serious festival as it is full of professionals with many people who want to work, collaborate and share. It is an experience not over yet but, for now I liked it very much and certainly recommend it to other guys. I think there is a special atmosphere that surrounds this festival. Harmonious, imaginative, curious and friendly.

For me, theater is a little like a spell .
me on at all times, covers me with his imagination and his art. It is a place where you can smile, laugh, curious, and where I find so many ways that fit with my personality. Clowns, dancers, mimes and musicians even know me particular emotions and distractions that I'd always have!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Emachines T3124 Production Date

For the uninitiated ....

Today is the birthday of the jurist LINDA! Let them best wishes !!!!!