Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tip Of Big Toe Hurting

dance, dance ... you beautiful and bright
Who has seen them dance or never returned, or if they have completely forgotten.
) or more. The unfortunate but can be saved by a friend (vero!) that held by others for his coat, follow the music, stretch your hands inside the circle (with one foot out) and grab it the dancer.

So much for the legend: but there is a natural explanation to this circle of Fate. It appears that this is a mycelium of a fungus, also known Mushroom Fairy as (Marasmius oreades ), which expands its roots in a circle giving birth to dozens of other similar all around.

Modern science has also shown that often these circles are very old as the little people: some can reach more than 600 years old.

muscaria), which has hallucinogenic and toxic properties. Used by ancient peoples as a hallucinogen, the shamans saw him as a vital instrument for the semantics of all kinds.

Fairies like all fairy figures, consider the Amanita muscaria as a seat (or throne) on which to recline comfortably. The fact is that the beauty tinged with red and white spotted him to be more representative of the mushroom story.

It is probable that for its toxic properties may be one of the ingredients of many magic potions. For men, of course, the danger comes when it is eaten otherwise, its beauty is bound to revive the color of dark coniferous woodland in which it resides. Other fungi have often been claimed by the fairies, for example, the Staff of the Yellow Fairy (
yellow), the Fragile d'Elf hat (
Peziza), the excuse of the dune and Pixie Dryad's Saddle.

foreveryone the secret lies in their knowledge. Who knows it also knows how to respect and who respects can avoid unpleasant consequences.

The experience of those who "wisely" go to fungi, teaches ...


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