Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dentist Saturday Austin

Legend has it that in a long time ago, the Sun lived alone in his golden palace, beyond the horizon. Every morning when you wake up, the sun rose in his chariot pulled by winged horses, and was going to go around the earth.

A day like any other, the sun rose on the bandwagon and began his walk. His gaze stopped before, the peaks of mountains, rivers and the birds waking up, and then the trees and flowers, her smile warming the ocean and gave energy to the whole earth.
But that day, past the woods, his eyes, he could not stop the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

Sun immediately fell in love with her and asked her to be his wife. Moon, that was the name of the girl, he accepted with joy, because in his heart kept the love for the Sun for a long time.

His only worry was to leave his old parents alone.
With love Sun assured that each day would bring them their news, and often they would go find them.

The Marriage of Sun and Moon became very angry God of the Underworld, who have long thought of marrying his daughter to the Sun So he decided to retaliate.
One evening, after sunset, the king of the underworld came to Luna's parents' house disguised as a servant of the Sun, Moon and told them that he was very ill and needed their help. The two, despite the dark and got ready to leave immediately to the castle of the Sun but the starlight was not enough to light their fire, and so soon were lost in the woods.
The King of the Underworld then went to the moon to report that her parents were lost, and that there was no other way of helping to illuminate their way. Luna took a torch in the castle of the Sun, but its light was weak and did not reach the parents, then the King of the Underworld, the proposed use of his chariot with winged horses, in order to climb up into the sky and illuminate the road.

Luna did not know that once started the car, would not stop until he had made the full circle of the earth, and that horses could not fly with the sunlight. So he agreed to jump on the bandwagon.

The next morning when he wakes up, the Sun tried desperately to his beloved, but did not find it anywhere. His eye fell on the flower with the tear of the Moon, a ray touched the tear kissing her, and this kiss was born the Queen of Avalon.
Every night the moon takes up the wagon with the hope of returning home in the sun before his awakening, and every morning her tears fall on the flowers. Moments later a ray of sunshine kisses, and a fairy comes to Avalon ... or so say the legends ...

the fairies of Avalon


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