Monday, October 25, 2010

School Inspection Checklist

masks Habbe & Meik, but not hilarious kidnap ... A

Boris Bronski / La Comédie des Masques is the opening show of the 19th International Theatre Festival in Lugano, in an evening, perhaps the arrival of an accomplice advance of the bad season, perhaps due to the overlapping of too varied range of events, is not as popular as expected.
Habbe & Meik (aka Hartmut Ehrenfeld and Michael Aufenfehn) are the creators of Boris Bronski, fictional character, whose particular form of comedy is not only due to the well-calculated mix of slapstick , clowning and mime, but also through the forms, the grotesque and alienating nature: one half of the face is smiling, the other sad and angry. The situations presented are taken from everyday life, but enlarged to achieve a surreal dimension. Despite the undeniable skill, precision movements, attention to detail (eg in the physical and visual drama of the scene changes), the pace is sluggish and only the last sketch irresistible reaches that voltage, which is share with the audience every moment and regain the event. Probably the lesser effectiveness of staging is also due to the absence of a puppet, which was originally included, which Aufenfehn says he does not know enough yet to handle and that in its proposed just not there. Remains a interesting excursus on a particular strand theater well known and loved in Germany, that was born and developed within the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen, but that remains far from the habits of the audience at home.
More surprising is the result of the warm evening in the newborn and welcoming Center Festival, still little known but much appreciated, as they are already Joined the two companies Catalan Trapa Laitrum CIA and Pepa Plana, protagonists of the next few days. Among the pleasant talk and work, misunderstandings and linguistic curiosity, there is also an impromptu witch guess who reads the fate, soon attracted the attention of all. The Festival reserves still many novelties and surprises ...

Susanna Plata

Boris Bronski, Meik Company / La comédie des masques, Germany.
show and Michael Aufenfehn, masks and Director: Michael Aufenfehn,
Friday, October 22, 20.45, Teatro Nuovo Studio Foce di Lugano


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